The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Och Weel !!!!!!

I rarely make a mistake when it comes to obtaining merchandise for a customer...but I recently did so. Here is the story and I hope the woman in question is reading this and will make contact with me so I can remedy this.

You came into my shop a couple weekends ago. You had your heart set on a ring...but I didn't have the correct size for you.
You were looking for a size 5 or 7 in this ring. I taped the ring style to the piece of paper with the details of your name and phone number on it. I ordered the rings you required...and when they were shipped to me I took the ring (that had been taped to the paper) back to the shop....and evidently threw the piece of paper in the trash bin...drrr.
I spent 2 days digging through the trash both at the shop and the house...with no results.
This is a situation which shows once again ...that I am human and make occasional mistakes.

I have your ring if you contact me we can work this all out....there is an email address at the right hand sidebar here. Please email me if you are the ONE.

Sorry for the mix-up.

Cheers, Linda


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