The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Back to Reality

Back from the olde country.
This trip was a great experience for me, as always.

I was able to see some unusual sites...Pictish standing stones,
raging streams with salmon running up them, and more than one historical church.
I even walk up a hill to an Iron Age fort, and entered down into it, in Midlothian.

I belted out a few songs with the session's band at Sandy Bells, in Edinburgh,
then again at the Victoria Pub, in Auchendinny. What an honour to be amongst
such brilliant musicians and have the opportunity to join in.

Went to the opening of the new Exhibition on George Buchanan "the Renaissance Man" of Scotland, at the Smith Gallery and Art Museum in Stirling. Another fantastic job by Dr. Elspeth King and her crew. This exhibit runs thru Feb. 25th 2007 and well worth the visit, if you happen to be heading to Scotland, for the Hogmanay celebrations. (New Year's Eve)

Ranking above all....was... the meeting up with such good friends and havin' a right good blether.

And on the bizarre side of life... I was standing in a friend's shop in Canongate, Edinburgh called Canongate Jerseys...when I ran into three people that used to, come into my shop, on the West Coast of America. Small world!!!

Now back to reality,

I'm presently pressing on with "the book"....scheduled to be completed by the end of the year.
A proposed launch date of April,.... fingers crossed.

More again.soon...
The Bard


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