The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The # One Enemy of Mankind

Since the beginning of civilization, the one enemy to humanity has always been the same. The public sometimes has a very hard time recognizing this dark foe, because it wears a different face every time it seems to come to the surface. Though cloaked in varying shades of skin and clothing, using tongues of many separate lands, and having a variety of ever improved weapons at it's disposal, it always carries one particular driving force and end-goal to their actions. Actions carried out against those of the common folk, the masses, the population, or whatever else you wish to refer to them as.

Some people would and have labeled this entity as the devil, some as King, some as one political leader or another. But, this is not an energy that holds an office or takes the throne or leads an's much more of the realm of human nature.
These souls that we see and blame are but the vessel ...the carrying agent, ...the one that holds "it" too close to their heart, and then uses it to justify this game they play out on humanity.

We don't want to name "it", because we ALL possess "it", and have to come to terms with "it" in our own lives one time or another. Hopefully!

It is GREED!!!!!
Greed is the basic driving force that keeps this game going. And until humanity can
come to terms with calling "it" what "it" IS, and taming "it" by evoking the rights they have:
To speak clearly,
Think things out,
and not allow "it" to take roost in the business and political arenas of their own lands, ....sadly ...
All will remain the same.


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