The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Celtic Worry Rings-Spinny Rings

For those of you that have been waiting...the Celtic Spinning rings are on the way to me and should be in by Friday 27th of march.

If you are interested try to react quickly there is a limited supply at this time.

I'll be at the shop Thurs. - Sunday this week. 10am-3pm.

Note : I have been under the impression (from my publisher) that the books would be here by Tartan Day. I know that will not be the case.
They have decided (back in Edinburgh) that they will print in Glasgow (instead of Canada). This will delay the arrival of the books for release here.
I have been assured that they will forward me a few hundred copies (express) and ship the rest over slow-boat.
This smaller amount should be enough to satisfy those of you that have been waiting.

I have been in contact with my good friend Jimi(the Piper)McRae, back in Scotland.
He sent me a review copy of his new CD (which I have been playing in the shop), and the response as been a bit overwhelming....everyone wants to buy MY ONLY COPY!
So I've arranged to have some sent over and they should be here shortly.
I say shortly...because when relying on the Royal Mail system....there's really no way to predict how long it could take...anywhere from one week to 3 weeks.
If I remember to...I will post when they arrive...
this is a brilliant CD, I think they'll move out of the shop very quickly.

All the Best,


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