The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Monday, June 08, 2009


The shipment of books the Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom are now available in the shop.

The "official" release is not until the 4th of July, when national promotion will be done.

But if you want to assure getting one, and beating the crowds of the holiday weekend come in before.

Or just click on the sidebar link "Books I Recommend" and it will take you to the Amazon site, (listed under the heading "My Writings").

All local bookshops should be able to order and receive this title now, as well.

I will be available to sign copies of the book, on Thurs.-Sun. but will leave some signed copies each day for when I'm not around.

Thanks for your patience, I know we've all been waiting quite some time for this.

All the Best in Life to You,


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