Beltane Night -- Part 2
(continued from part 1 )
Regardless, .... the time had now come, for her to leave this grand scene, celebrating Rite of the Coming of Spring, and make her way back to the only home she'd ever known, and the comforts that had always been there for her. After all.... she 'had' given her mother 'her word', and anyone in the Highlands knows by the time they're 5 years old ....."that a man's Word is his Worth" as her father would always say...."you can justify killin' a man but you canna EVER justify breaking your word ....".
So sadly, she said her goodbyes, to all her life-long friends, and off she went down the hill.
Singing softly to herself, she half-danced, half-skipped, with her arms swinging gently and a twirl mixed in now and then. With the blaze from the fires lighting the sky and the music still strongly filling the air, she drifted down the hill to entered the woodland path that would lead to the open moors, ... and home.
She softly sang the lyrics from the music being played at the celebration; although now it was in a slightly fading volume, she could still hear the cries of jubilation occasionally rising above it.
She was still feeling 'right good' and had a glow from the mead that greeted her as she arrived and the drinks of whisky from the flasks, that followed throughout that early evening.
A carefree energy from the Gathering still pulsed through her body along with that of the golden liquid spirits.
Giggling slightly, while she walked, and recalling some of the interactions of that night, from those around her , that she knew very well, having grown up with them, in the village.
Like when Callum asked Katie if she'd like to 'Go Maying with him'. Katie's face went flush in a deep red as she lowered her head and looked up at him with her bright blue eyes through the wisps of her ginger hair, then slightly shook her head with a quiet "no, but thank-you". She was slightly embarrassed by this public display of affection from Callum.
Funny thing is...(Lindella laughed to herself) they both disappeared over the hill about 30 minutes later, not to be seen for quite some time after. When they had returned; they were looking a bit wrinkley and rosey cheeked. Everyone knew what they'd been up to, even though the couple thought they were being stealthy. But the locals took comfort in knowing they would marry sooner or later so ... all of those gathered there, just turned a blind-eye to the evenings interactions between most of the young adults present there.
Now, as the sound of the music and laughter was fading away fast, she again felt that maybe she had stayed at the gathering for too long. But it was so easy to do, most everyone from the surrounding villages were there, and there they would stay until tomorrow's sunrise. It already could be later into dusk than she knew, the fire was so bright at the gathering that she never even noticed, actually she'd not given it a thought at all.
As she emerged from the woods, ...
she stopped temporarily there, where the moor spread out in front of her, surveying the land and her route home.
Then, ... stepped from the woodland path onto the open moors and suddenly realized how late it was. Well into dusk, and the sun would set before she got home if she didn't hurry.
She knew this land like her own face, but given the night coming on so fast, it was a fact, that was hard to keep in mind. Their croft was just beyond the second knoll and within 2 miles, but from where she walked now it seemed more like embarking on an long ocean voyage.
This was after all ..... Beltane, ... she quickened her step, and started a rhythmic stride.
The sun was low on the horizon, and casting a strange red colour everywhere. The ground under foot was still a bit soggy from the heavy rains three days ago, combined with the dew falling now. A strange mists was rising up from the lowest lying ground of golden shade, (no doubt a optical trick from the setting sun) she thought to herself.
End Part 2
(Soon to be continued)
Regardless, .... the time had now come, for her to leave this grand scene, celebrating Rite of the Coming of Spring, and make her way back to the only home she'd ever known, and the comforts that had always been there for her. After all.... she 'had' given her mother 'her word', and anyone in the Highlands knows by the time they're 5 years old ....."that a man's Word is his Worth" as her father would always say...."you can justify killin' a man but you canna EVER justify breaking your word ....".
So sadly, she said her goodbyes, to all her life-long friends, and off she went down the hill.
Singing softly to herself, she half-danced, half-skipped, with her arms swinging gently and a twirl mixed in now and then. With the blaze from the fires lighting the sky and the music still strongly filling the air, she drifted down the hill to entered the woodland path that would lead to the open moors, ... and home.
She softly sang the lyrics from the music being played at the celebration; although now it was in a slightly fading volume, she could still hear the cries of jubilation occasionally rising above it.
She was still feeling 'right good' and had a glow from the mead that greeted her as she arrived and the drinks of whisky from the flasks, that followed throughout that early evening.
A carefree energy from the Gathering still pulsed through her body along with that of the golden liquid spirits.
Giggling slightly, while she walked, and recalling some of the interactions of that night, from those around her , that she knew very well, having grown up with them, in the village.
Like when Callum asked Katie if she'd like to 'Go Maying with him'. Katie's face went flush in a deep red as she lowered her head and looked up at him with her bright blue eyes through the wisps of her ginger hair, then slightly shook her head with a quiet "no, but thank-you". She was slightly embarrassed by this public display of affection from Callum.
Funny thing is...(Lindella laughed to herself) they both disappeared over the hill about 30 minutes later, not to be seen for quite some time after. When they had returned; they were looking a bit wrinkley and rosey cheeked. Everyone knew what they'd been up to, even though the couple thought they were being stealthy. But the locals took comfort in knowing they would marry sooner or later so ... all of those gathered there, just turned a blind-eye to the evenings interactions between most of the young adults present there.
Now, as the sound of the music and laughter was fading away fast, she again felt that maybe she had stayed at the gathering for too long. But it was so easy to do, most everyone from the surrounding villages were there, and there they would stay until tomorrow's sunrise. It already could be later into dusk than she knew, the fire was so bright at the gathering that she never even noticed, actually she'd not given it a thought at all.
As she emerged from the woods, ...
she stopped temporarily there, where the moor spread out in front of her, surveying the land and her route home.
Then, ... stepped from the woodland path onto the open moors and suddenly realized how late it was. Well into dusk, and the sun would set before she got home if she didn't hurry.
She knew this land like her own face, but given the night coming on so fast, it was a fact, that was hard to keep in mind. Their croft was just beyond the second knoll and within 2 miles, but from where she walked now it seemed more like embarking on an long ocean voyage.
This was after all ..... Beltane, ... she quickened her step, and started a rhythmic stride.
The sun was low on the horizon, and casting a strange red colour everywhere. The ground under foot was still a bit soggy from the heavy rains three days ago, combined with the dew falling now. A strange mists was rising up from the lowest lying ground of golden shade, (no doubt a optical trick from the setting sun) she thought to herself.
End Part 2
(Soon to be continued)
At Wednesday, April 08, 2009 11:54:00 AM,
Katie said…
I promise I'll be patient, but it's hard to wait! ;)
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