The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Dates in History

I've had a strange, but wonderful phenomenon happen in my life.
Since 1997 I have been experiencing , the path of
the Wars of Independence of Scotland,
in chronological order, during the anniversary dates.

Sept. 11th 1997 I was in Stirling for the 700th Anniversary of
the Battle of Stirling Bridge, led by Sir William Wallace. This weekend
also saw the Scottish Parliament voted back in, for the first time since
the Unionisation of Scotland's and England's Parliaments in 1707.
Which will see a 300th year mark in this next year.

Then I was back for the 700th Memorial to the Execution or as some
would say murder, of William Wallace, by the English. I was honoured by
reciting my Poem 'Eulogy for William Wallace' at the New Scottish
Parliament Blgd. in Holyrood.

This year in March was the 700th aniversary of the Coronation
of the Good King Robert the Bruce, and I was there at the field
of Bannockburn, and drank whisky from the quaich, for the Bruce
and freedom.

What an awesome experience it has been, to be there, for these events.
And there's still more to come....700th for the Battle of Bannockburn
is not until 2014.

Something to look forward to.
More later....

The Bard


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