David R. Ross - Author, Historian, Biker, and Scotland's Favoured Son
Yesterday when I opened my laptop I was faced with a very sad report from my
publishing house in Edinburgh.
My good friend and fellow author David R.Ross had passed away at his home
on 2nd Jan. 2010 from a heart attack at the age of 51...to be 52 in Feb.
( I wrote about him in my book) He was a major 'mover-and-shaker' in Scotland and...
I don't know what Scotland and many individuals like myself will do without him.
He has written many books about Wallace, the Bruce, Bonnie Prince Charlie...and the like..
the most recent being one on The Black Douglas ...James the Good.
He had just completed another book about great woman in Scotland and sent it to the publisher, this Autumn.
He was scheduled to leave his home today (Jan 7th) to tour Florida...no idea if anyone there has been notified yet.
Everyone thought it was 'just' a rumour...then confirmation came in yesterday early.
Spent the day crying and drinking whisky.
You see David and I had set out to do the same thing...promote Scotland in America (though he was much further ahead in the game than myself ) we had agreed that he would take the East Coast and I would take the West Coast and we'd meet somewhere in the middle. LOL!
With his passing I feel quite alone now....
He was the Convener for the Society of William Wallace in Scotland and was the single-handed force in organizing all of the events that have taken place in these past couple of decades since the Parliament vote was passed.
Oh Me! Who can fill his shoes?
He was a huge man and had had trouble with his heart ever since he was in preparation for the Walk for Wallace in 2005, (preparation started 4 years before). He walked 450 miles in the same 19 days it took Wallace to be transported to London for execution in 1305, and did this on the 700th Memorial to the capture and murder of Wallace by the English.
Each time I saw him he would mention his health....but strangely ...it seemed to me ...he had been pushing quite hard this last year and a half...
though now it seems that maybe he knew his time was short and he was trying his best to complete what he had set out to do....free his nation and ....education of the masses here was the key to that.
The memorial for him will be on Monday next....I won't be able to go....some times I hate where I live just because of the logistics of it all. Most of the time I love my home, my town, my country, ...but, ... this is one of those times where I wish I lived in Boston so I could just hop the plane and be there.
Sorry I'm dumping all this at your doorstep...but I thought you...being who you are would not only care to know but would understand my ramblings about it.
Thankfully I saw him at my book launch in Stirling. And it occurred to me yesterday that we (this core group of people that have been working for Scotland since
we first 'became' the core group in 1997) ....we all sat down 'together' for the first time since 1997 and had lunch at the book event...it was brilliant to all be there at once
talking away about what we were each up to and planned to do in the near future.
That day when David first saw me ...he was sitting on a ledge of a wall inside or a table ...he called he over grabbed me with his massive arms ...and pulled me in...he then wrapped his legs around my legs while hugging me tight and wouldn't let go, ... while he talked into my ear telling me all the things that 2 people that have know each other for quite some time say to each other. We stayed in this clutch for 15-20 minutes. And ....I so cherish this now.
He spoke about his heart and his health at that time as well.
Once when we spoke through email this Autumn he was still on the East Coast at the time, he spoke of being tired and "just wanted Home".
I'm glad for David that he was home when he passed. He'd always said when I die...take me home to Scotland if I am not already there.
I had been re-living the Wars of Independence at the mark of the 700th Anniversary for each event.
Starting with the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1997...the Falkirk, the Death of Wallace, the Coronation of Robert the Bruce, ....next is the 700th of the Battle of Bannockburn 2014...but this time David won't be there...he's always been there....the Wallace Day march in August...and all the other pinnacle events....where we would 'run into each other'. If he has it within his power he will be at Bannockburn in 2014....like he was in 2006 for the Bruce's Coronation event. I'll be there....and I'll be looking and watching for any sign of him.
David, ....you are sorely missed now...but the void you have left in your wake, I fear will not be fully understood for many months to come.
Rest easy my friend, ...you deserve it....for all you've done for Scotland ...your beloved Homeland ...and the rich history you single-handedly kept in the forefront for the people today.
Linda MacDonald-Lewis
Yesterday when I opened my laptop I was faced with a very sad report from my
publishing house in Edinburgh.
My good friend and fellow author David R.Ross had passed away at his home
on 2nd Jan. 2010 from a heart attack at the age of 51...to be 52 in Feb.
( I wrote about him in my book) He was a major 'mover-and-shaker' in Scotland and...
I don't know what Scotland and many individuals like myself will do without him.
He has written many books about Wallace, the Bruce, Bonnie Prince Charlie...and the like..
the most recent being one on The Black Douglas ...James the Good.
He had just completed another book about great woman in Scotland and sent it to the publisher, this Autumn.
He was scheduled to leave his home today (Jan 7th) to tour Florida...no idea if anyone there has been notified yet.
Everyone thought it was 'just' a rumour...then confirmation came in yesterday early.
Spent the day crying and drinking whisky.
You see David and I had set out to do the same thing...promote Scotland in America (though he was much further ahead in the game than myself ) we had agreed that he would take the East Coast and I would take the West Coast and we'd meet somewhere in the middle. LOL!
With his passing I feel quite alone now....
He was the Convener for the Society of William Wallace in Scotland and was the single-handed force in organizing all of the events that have taken place in these past couple of decades since the Parliament vote was passed.
Oh Me! Who can fill his shoes?
He was a huge man and had had trouble with his heart ever since he was in preparation for the Walk for Wallace in 2005, (preparation started 4 years before). He walked 450 miles in the same 19 days it took Wallace to be transported to London for execution in 1305, and did this on the 700th Memorial to the capture and murder of Wallace by the English.
Each time I saw him he would mention his health....but strangely ...it seemed to me ...he had been pushing quite hard this last year and a half...
though now it seems that maybe he knew his time was short and he was trying his best to complete what he had set out to do....free his nation and ....education of the masses here was the key to that.
The memorial for him will be on Monday next....I won't be able to go....some times I hate where I live just because of the logistics of it all. Most of the time I love my home, my town, my country, ...but, ... this is one of those times where I wish I lived in Boston so I could just hop the plane and be there.
Sorry I'm dumping all this at your doorstep...but I thought you...being who you are would not only care to know but would understand my ramblings about it.
Thankfully I saw him at my book launch in Stirling. And it occurred to me yesterday that we (this core group of people that have been working for Scotland since
we first 'became' the core group in 1997) ....we all sat down 'together' for the first time since 1997 and had lunch at the book event...it was brilliant to all be there at once
talking away about what we were each up to and planned to do in the near future.
That day when David first saw me ...he was sitting on a ledge of a wall inside or a table ...he called he over grabbed me with his massive arms ...and pulled me in...he then wrapped his legs around my legs while hugging me tight and wouldn't let go, ... while he talked into my ear telling me all the things that 2 people that have know each other for quite some time say to each other. We stayed in this clutch for 15-20 minutes. And ....I so cherish this now.
He spoke about his heart and his health at that time as well.
Once when we spoke through email this Autumn he was still on the East Coast at the time, he spoke of being tired and "just wanted Home".
I'm glad for David that he was home when he passed. He'd always said when I die...take me home to Scotland if I am not already there.
I had been re-living the Wars of Independence at the mark of the 700th Anniversary for each event.
Starting with the Battle of Stirling Bridge in 1997...the Falkirk, the Death of Wallace, the Coronation of Robert the Bruce, ....next is the 700th of the Battle of Bannockburn 2014...but this time David won't be there...he's always been there....the Wallace Day march in August...and all the other pinnacle events....where we would 'run into each other'. If he has it within his power he will be at Bannockburn in 2014....like he was in 2006 for the Bruce's Coronation event. I'll be there....and I'll be looking and watching for any sign of him.
David, ....you are sorely missed now...but the void you have left in your wake, I fear will not be fully understood for many months to come.
Rest easy my friend, ...you deserve it....for all you've done for Scotland ...your beloved Homeland ...and the rich history you single-handedly kept in the forefront for the people today.
Linda MacDonald-Lewis
At Wednesday, January 13, 2010 4:45:00 PM,
Unknown said…
Linda, my condolences on the loss of your friend. David R. Ross was a man who made a big impact, and not because of his physical stature, but the strength of his personality. I have Scottish ancestry and I had followed his Walk for Wallace with interest. I had the opportunity to meet David for the first time last fall and what an interesting conversation that was! He certainly must be in Tir na n'Og with Wallace and Bruce, but he will always remain in the hearts of those whose lives he touched, even for a little while.
Regards, Linda
At Saturday, February 06, 2010 12:30:00 AM,
Mark Angel Seven said…
I'm Irish m'self, but I could na help but leave a comment. Actually I'm a Gallagher and I live in Spokane, WA.
My sister had bought me a dragon pendant for Christmas. In the box was a business card with your name and web site. I came upon it, was just this evening. I found the website and the first thing I saw was your blog about your dear friend, David Ross, I hadn't heard of him, but he sounds like he is a magnificent spirit, an Anum Cara who will be greatly missed and my fellow feelings are with you.
Myself, I'm just recently beginning to heal from a life of selfishness, depression, drug abuse, loneliness, and pain. I am however excited at the change that has come over me. I'm writing, learning, discovering so many things about life I had never Imagined.
I get a little carried away sometimes and have a tendancy to want to share everything with everyone. So I'll end this and there is something for you at this departure:
May the raindrops fall lightly on your brow.
May the soft winds freshen your spirit.
May the sunshine brighten your heart
May the burdens of the day rest lightly upon you.
And may God enfold you in the mantle of His love.
Blessings Upon You,
Mark Edward Gallagher
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