Happy Thanksgiving to All !!!
As I sit here in my home with my Grandson watching "Scrooge" with Albert Finney,
my mind can't help but turn and think about the season, the people I know, and those I see everyday but don't really know.
This year, more than most, has brought the thought of humanity to my mind. And never more in the past few decades has it been needed.
Neighbors, community, friend or not, ... those that bag your groceries, those that wait the tables at your favorite eatery, empty out trash and recyclables, those that brush up against our lives, ...yet go unnoticed, by us ...unless we "need" their service. We all are the nation, and we decide which way things are really going to go, driven by our own actions each day.
I am in no way a wealthy person, but ...part of the working people of the country.
But, with that being said, ...I am blessed by many things, ...shelter, food, heat and transport are mine for the asking and perhaps taken for granted on a daily basis. But what of those that that pass us each day that no longer can claim that fact, in their own lives?
The local food bank is already being pushed to it's limits with the recent upswing of need. Every day I hear of those that have felt the harsh blow of redundancy at their place of employment. Their dreams slowly slip through their fingers, onto the streets they now pad through for a new position.
A feverish flood of concern overtakes me, because I know ...
if they fall ...we all fall.
Now is the time for us to shift our focus from the personal to the greater need of the community and the nation as a whole. We will all benefit for it in the long run.
I'll give some thanks for what I have by giving a bag of groceries to the local food bank so others can give thanks as well. I'm going to ask the local store to match what I buy dollar for dollar...can't hurt to ask eh? Wish me luck!
As a side note****
I will be open at the shop for Thanksgiving Weekend Friday, Sat. and Sun. from
10am- until 3pm or longer if needed.
The first batch of Claddagh rings are here from the UK and the green cross that a lad was asking for is here as well!
It is my sincere wish for all to have a Great Thanksgiving Celebration
All the Best to You and Those that care for You!
Hope to see you soon,
my mind can't help but turn and think about the season, the people I know, and those I see everyday but don't really know.
This year, more than most, has brought the thought of humanity to my mind. And never more in the past few decades has it been needed.
Neighbors, community, friend or not, ... those that bag your groceries, those that wait the tables at your favorite eatery, empty out trash and recyclables, those that brush up against our lives, ...yet go unnoticed, by us ...unless we "need" their service. We all are the nation, and we decide which way things are really going to go, driven by our own actions each day.
I am in no way a wealthy person, but ...part of the working people of the country.
But, with that being said, ...I am blessed by many things, ...shelter, food, heat and transport are mine for the asking and perhaps taken for granted on a daily basis. But what of those that that pass us each day that no longer can claim that fact, in their own lives?
The local food bank is already being pushed to it's limits with the recent upswing of need. Every day I hear of those that have felt the harsh blow of redundancy at their place of employment. Their dreams slowly slip through their fingers, onto the streets they now pad through for a new position.
A feverish flood of concern overtakes me, because I know ...
if they fall ...we all fall.
Now is the time for us to shift our focus from the personal to the greater need of the community and the nation as a whole. We will all benefit for it in the long run.
I'll give some thanks for what I have by giving a bag of groceries to the local food bank so others can give thanks as well. I'm going to ask the local store to match what I buy dollar for dollar...can't hurt to ask eh? Wish me luck!
As a side note****
I will be open at the shop for Thanksgiving Weekend Friday, Sat. and Sun. from
10am- until 3pm or longer if needed.
The first batch of Claddagh rings are here from the UK and the green cross that a lad was asking for is here as well!
It is my sincere wish for all to have a Great Thanksgiving Celebration
All the Best to You and Those that care for You!
Hope to see you soon,
At Tuesday, November 25, 2008 3:39:00 PM,
lamzy said…
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At Wednesday, December 03, 2008 3:36:00 PM,
Unknown said…
dec 3 2008
Hi Linda
We were in your shop (which we loved) on Oct 31 And i Bought a 3x Hooded sweatshirt. I'm wondering about when to expect it. It was a really nice looking green one witha nice design on it.
Thank you for a prompt reply.
Cliff & Sandy Alldridge
P.O. Box 6101
Bend, Or. 97708
Ph 541-318-1745 HOME
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