Book Release Event in Edinburgh Tonight
At the National Galleries in Edinburgh at 6pm (Scotland's time) in the Hawthornden Lecture Theatre the book "The Arts of Resistance" is being launched.
This is the book that I worked on with Alan Riach, Dept. Head of the Scottish Literature Dept. Univ. of Glasgow and Alexander (Sandy) Moffat (retired) Instructor of The Glasgow School of Art.
The book is 3 in depth conversations (between Alan, Sandy, and myself) about the poetry, portrait, and landscape artists of Scotland (and beyond) from around 1890 to the Present day.
Since I am not able to attend this event ...the following statement I wrote will be read there tonight:
The Arts of Resistance
Book Release Event
The National Galleries Edinburgh Dec. 4th 2008
It is my deep regret that I am not able to be present for this event.
Working with Alan and Sandy on this book project was a phenomenal experience in my life.
I thank-you both and wish you the best of luck.
I have been working for quite some time now, to promote Scotland's literature,
history and folklore in North America. This book is another great opportunity to further that quest.
I have often found, that it's the most subtle things in life, that can bring the greatest inspiration.
And it can swing wildly from, being gently awestruck by a landscape in a perfect light,
to being completely dumbstruck by the dark potential of mankind's cruelty,
or in this case.... sitting quietly in the audience, a lecture about a Scottish Poet!
Inspiration tends to 'bind' the artist to a concept, and motivates them to create.
The process of creation in the Arts, is quite 'cathartic' in nature.
Because of that part of it's nature,
there seems to be a certain sense of relief and freedom that comes from the final stroke;
of the brushed pigment on to canvas,
of the hammer to chisel on stone,
or the fingertip on the keyboard for the page.
It's at that final moment, where the 'inspired concept', ... then jumps completely from the 'artist' to the 'art form'.
And, in turn, the finished art form, ... whether it be a sculpture, a painting, or a book; can then go forward, on it's own, to leave an impression on those that view it.
It is my sincere hope, the content of these conversations, contained between the covers of this book will leave you a bit ... awestruck, ....perhaps at times .... dumbstruck.... and finally; ...
fully inspired to continue this dialogue, about the Arts, for many years to come.
See you in 2009 for Homecoming!
Linda MacDonald-Lewis
18th Nov. 2008
This is the book that I worked on with Alan Riach, Dept. Head of the Scottish Literature Dept. Univ. of Glasgow and Alexander (Sandy) Moffat (retired) Instructor of The Glasgow School of Art.
The book is 3 in depth conversations (between Alan, Sandy, and myself) about the poetry, portrait, and landscape artists of Scotland (and beyond) from around 1890 to the Present day.
Since I am not able to attend this event ...the following statement I wrote will be read there tonight:
The Arts of Resistance
Book Release Event
The National Galleries Edinburgh Dec. 4th 2008
It is my deep regret that I am not able to be present for this event.
Working with Alan and Sandy on this book project was a phenomenal experience in my life.
I thank-you both and wish you the best of luck.
I have been working for quite some time now, to promote Scotland's literature,
history and folklore in North America. This book is another great opportunity to further that quest.
I have often found, that it's the most subtle things in life, that can bring the greatest inspiration.
And it can swing wildly from, being gently awestruck by a landscape in a perfect light,
to being completely dumbstruck by the dark potential of mankind's cruelty,
or in this case.... sitting quietly in the audience, a lecture about a Scottish Poet!
Inspiration tends to 'bind' the artist to a concept, and motivates them to create.
The process of creation in the Arts, is quite 'cathartic' in nature.
Because of that part of it's nature,
there seems to be a certain sense of relief and freedom that comes from the final stroke;
of the brushed pigment on to canvas,
of the hammer to chisel on stone,
or the fingertip on the keyboard for the page.
It's at that final moment, where the 'inspired concept', ... then jumps completely from the 'artist' to the 'art form'.
And, in turn, the finished art form, ... whether it be a sculpture, a painting, or a book; can then go forward, on it's own, to leave an impression on those that view it.
It is my sincere hope, the content of these conversations, contained between the covers of this book will leave you a bit ... awestruck, ....perhaps at times .... dumbstruck.... and finally; ...
fully inspired to continue this dialogue, about the Arts, for many years to come.
See you in 2009 for Homecoming!
Linda MacDonald-Lewis
18th Nov. 2008
At Thursday, December 04, 2008 6:24:00 PM,
Jodi and Skott said…
I'm not really sure how else to contact you. My husband and I were regulars in your shop many years ago... We have since moved to Wisconsin. I bought him a ring at your store in 1999 and would like to get in touch with you to get him another (smaller size) for his birthday...
My email is:
or my cell number is (715)642-2628
Thank you so much and I can't wait to hear from you!
Jodi Shaw
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