What people Don't Know about Scotland
These are some of the things I have heard in my shop
over the years about Scotland and about Scots, from the mouth of the
general public.
"We travelled to Glasgow, Edinburgh, the Isle of Skye, ... that's the part of England we saw."
"Scotland, ....that's down by India, ...isn't it?"
While listening to me crac on with a lady from Troon a young child said:
"Mommie is she a pirate?"
I said "no darlin I'm a Scot, ...I only turn into a pirate when you feed me Rum.
Then, I squint one eye, walk sideways, dragging one leg, and my vocabulary reduces
down to two letters, ...Aye and RRRRRRRR"
6 years ago it was, "I think that is Shrek's Mommy"
"I'm a direct descendant of William Wallace!"
Well, ...that can't be done, William Wallace die with no children. It's biologically
impossible to be a direct descendant of his. Maybe from his brother, or some other family named Wallace, but not William himself.
Sorry to disappoint, but we tend to name our children after our heroes. Even Abe Lincoln had a son named William Wallace, that died while he was in residence at the White House.
"Are you a Scot?" asked of me.
My reply "Yes, I am."
"Do you live here" indicating Seaside, Oregon.
"Yes, I do,... because you see ... the commute would kill me"
This is just a sample of some of the things that I have found to be, ....
silly, ridiculous or down right daft. But all a bit humorous.
Scotland, ...like any other ancient culture, ...is many things to many people.
It's mythological to those that study her.
It's historical to those that write about her.
It's romantic to those that yearn for her.
And mostly unseen by those
that presently live amongst her shores.
All the best of life to you and yours.
Off to the shop...
The Bard
over the years about Scotland and about Scots, from the mouth of the
general public.
"We travelled to Glasgow, Edinburgh, the Isle of Skye, ... that's the part of England we saw."
"Scotland, ....that's down by India, ...isn't it?"
While listening to me crac on with a lady from Troon a young child said:
"Mommie is she a pirate?"
I said "no darlin I'm a Scot, ...I only turn into a pirate when you feed me Rum.
Then, I squint one eye, walk sideways, dragging one leg, and my vocabulary reduces
down to two letters, ...Aye and RRRRRRRR"
6 years ago it was, "I think that is Shrek's Mommy"
"I'm a direct descendant of William Wallace!"
Well, ...that can't be done, William Wallace die with no children. It's biologically
impossible to be a direct descendant of his. Maybe from his brother, or some other family named Wallace, but not William himself.
Sorry to disappoint, but we tend to name our children after our heroes. Even Abe Lincoln had a son named William Wallace, that died while he was in residence at the White House.
"Are you a Scot?" asked of me.
My reply "Yes, I am."
"Do you live here" indicating Seaside, Oregon.
"Yes, I do,... because you see ... the commute would kill me"
This is just a sample of some of the things that I have found to be, ....
silly, ridiculous or down right daft. But all a bit humorous.
Scotland, ...like any other ancient culture, ...is many things to many people.
It's mythological to those that study her.
It's historical to those that write about her.
It's romantic to those that yearn for her.
And mostly unseen by those
that presently live amongst her shores.
All the best of life to you and yours.
Off to the shop...
The Bard
At Wednesday, November 14, 2007 6:38:00 PM,
Mih said…
Its bleeding hard to find your comments link, but I finally freakin did!
I was in your Seaside Shop (may it live forever) a few weks back buying a poop-load of stuff for my daughters birthday, (she longs to be a writer - doncha know) anyway...I finally found you on the web. Please, you MUST keep me apprised on the release of your new BOOK!
I would put my email addy here, except I don't want it to get hacked by some bot, so you can comment me at my own blog here at blogger. (mettleworks - dot - blogspot.com)
Keep in touch!
Feicfidh mé ar ball thú!
(See ya later!)
(I'm in your email mailing list.)
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