The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Monday, March 12, 2007

"Celtic Story " Shop Opening

Friday March 16th, the "Celtic Story" Shop, in Seaside will be open.

Located at: 407 Broadway, in Seaside, Oregon

Hours this month: 10am- ? Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Hope to see your shining faces, at my doorstep.

All the Best,
The Bard


  • At Monday, June 23, 2008 10:18:00 AM, Blogger Traylor Family said…

    Hello Linda, Last month we were visiting Seaside and came into your shop to look at a bracelet, it had peridot and some other gem that I can't remember. My husband bought the bracelet for me for our anniversay and unfortunately it fell off my wrist this weekend in Idaho. Can you tell me what the other gem was? I have a listing on craigslist for the lost and found. My name is Tonya Traylor and I wrote a check for teh purchase $65 or so dollars. Please let me know the name of the other gem and also if you have a picture of the bracelet. I didn't take one for my records and now I have lost the bracelet. Thanks

  • At Sunday, September 07, 2008 1:58:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Hi Linda,
    Last week we were visiting in Seaside and your shop had already closed. We came back the next day but it was not open either. I was very interested in the Braveheart poster that you had in the window, as well as several pieces of jewelry. Do you have a website with merchandise listed and shown, or, at the least, could you let me know about the Braveheart poster? I have three grown sons and would like to get each of them a copy if I can afford them.
    Sharon Wallace


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