The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Masters of Time

It's time to get over and get on,
life will not wait...
for those that turn in circles
rehashing the past
forgetting the now,
dreading the future.

It's time to get in and start over
life is at the threshold
and knocking , for an answer.
Find a true direction
casting brand new dreams
greeting your own future.

It's time to get up and get going
life is marching on
shining on your pathway,
step your foot down firmly,
walking tall and strong...
becoming your own future.

It's time to realize...
life is for the living
not for sad regretting,
nor for frantic fretting.
Time is our best gift,
what we need to master.

The Purge

Today I weep.
With welcoming embrace,...
and much regret.
I weep...
for all the wrongs
I can't forget
,...and wish to.

I set aside..
just for life's dread...
from wild upsurge
to softened ebb,
from flash flow
to annoying drip,....I weep.

Holding on to the hope,
the flood of tears,
will soon wash away,
the hardened fears....I keep.

I weep...
For my own follie in life,
and the odd,
company I keep.

the tearducts seep,
as I weep,

Red-eyed ....rescue
only comes by sleep.