The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From the Upper Left Edge of Oregon

I love this time of year. The tourist season has slowed, leaves are turning to vibrant colours, the weather is not heavily involved in it's drastic swings from hot and muggy to pollen filled wind, and has calmed to a pleasant, .. easy .., cool at night and warmish in the day. Thankfully the sun has not taken off for it's southern trek...yet.

I've more time in the shop to actually have in-depth conversations about whatever happens to be pertinent at the time. And life is grand.

My book The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom is in 'typesetting' phase just now and should be out by the end of this year or beginning of next.
I feel like I've been saying this f-o-r-e-v-e-r, ....

Delays during production have been ongoing, ...but in all fairness I must say, ...
these same delays have had a great beneficial effect on the end product.
The colour pictures are being place throughout the text, (something not normally done because of the cost of it), and the cover has been changed reflect the content of the text much better than the "draft cover" did.

All of these changes slowed the process of production, but with good cause.

The other book I worked on back in Scotland with two academics (from the University of Glasgow and the Glasgow School of Art) called "The Arts of Resistance" is scheduled for release back in Scotland, sometime in Dec. This is quite a large text, covering the poets, portrait, and landscape artists of Scotland, from around 1890 to the present.
A promotional write-up on this book can be found on the Internet.
I will have both of these in the shop when available.

I trust you will all have a great Halloween !
Me ...I'm going to a Costume Party for the first time in many, many, years. I really looking forward to this on Friday. Dressing as a witch (of course!). I had purchased a wig (why I don't know) ....then when I tried on the outfit, ....realized my hair is about as witchy as it gets! So I'll pass the wig on to my son or daughter in-love (yes in-love, their not married but have been together forever, so that's the description I've come-up with.) They'll be coming down for the celebration and mayhem. Have fun folks, ...I will be.

All the best,

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Update on Shop Hours for the Fall and Winter

The weather is turning colder at night and the leaves are starting to cover the ground.

I've shortened the hours to Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 10am - 3pm

If anyone is coming into town on different me through this site and
I would be more than willing to set up an appointment for your visit to the shop.

I will (hopefully) be taking some "down time" for myself soon. But I'm not sure when yet.

It's been a great to be able to see all my "shop" friends again, and each day that passes more people find out the shop has opened again.

It looks like the plan to tear down the building and re-build it next year has been put on hold. So it looks like I will be open (without interruption) for another year or two. Which is very good news indeed!

All the Best to you....and those that care for you!