The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday-Thanksgiving Weekend-Sale

Dear Folk,

I will be at the shop on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday this weekend, for your Christmas shopping needs.
I will open as usual at 10am and continue through the day until 3pm or later....Sunday I may leave earlier if
the crowds are light.

I do never run sales in the shop ...but this year I would like to have a customer appreciation sale...
Mention this site and receive 10% off of your purchase. (But, you'll have to remind me of doubt I'll
have a "semi-coma brain" induced by the tryptophan coursing through the veins from the mass amounts of turkey and other fine foods spread out on the table that Thursday.

I sincerely hope You will All have a Mighty Good Time with Friends and Family this Thanksgiving!

And I'd like to thank-you all for your never-ending support over the years...and for the years to come.
I've had a great time in the shop, I hope you have.

All the Best to you...
and those that care for You!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Northwest Events - Irish Music et al....

Heads Up here's some venue you may want to see.....

Come celebrate the timeless magic of Celtic Yuletide with our Boulding family midst a grand array of Northwest talent. Three generations come together in this brilliant festival of Irish music, dance and storytelling to bring joy and warmth into the heart of winter. 

Order your tickets today!  See the complete schedule below.

Now spanning over three decades, Yuletide comes alive when Tara Academy's award winning Irish Dancers and juggler extraordinaire Thomas Arthur join Magical Strings on stage.  Our virtuoso violinist and daughter Brittany, who has just moved back from NYC will offer a stunning solo.  You'll hear the magnificent Irish flute and vocals of Hanz Araki, be mesmerized by Colleen Raney's sparkling voice and Mark Raney's poignant songs and warm humor. You'll be transported to the Celtic lands with the haunting pipes of Tom Creegan and by the stories and fresh harp and dulcimer music from Philip and Pam's recent journey to Ireland and much more-get inspired, join the procession, and kindle the light of Yuletide!

This coming Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 7 & 8 you can hear Brittany perform as Concertmaster with the Bellevue Philharmonic at the Meydenbauer. It is wonderful having our daughter back in Seattle and seeing her frequently perform with the Seattle Symphony; she is also the new Concertmaster of the Auburn Symphony.

Philip will be in Spokane at Inland Crafts, November 6-8.  For those of you in the Spokane area, come visit the booth and see our gorgeous new harps, and pick up a copy of our newest CD "Best of Magical Strings - Dances and Dreams", a 2-CD set that richly encompasses thirty years of Magical Strings music.

Celtic Yuletide Concert Schedule for 2009

Shoreline:  Sunday, Nov. 29, 3:00 pm, Shorecrest Performing Arts Center, 206-417-4645

Olympia:  Friday, Dec. 4, 7:30 pm, Saint John's Episcopal Church

Kent:  Sunday, Dec. 6, 3:00 pm, Kent-Meridian Perf. Arts Center 253-856-5050

Portland:  Saturday, Dec. 12, 7:30 pm, 1st Congregational Church

Bellevue:  Monday, Dec. 14, 7:00 pm, Theater at Meydenbauer

Tacoma:  Friday, Dec. 18, 7:30 pm, Urban Grace

Seattle:  Saturday, Dec. 19, 3:00 pm, University Christian Church

Mt. Vernon:  Monday, Dec. 21, 7:00 pm, The Lincoln Theater, 712 S 1st Street, 360-336-8955

Tickets for Olympia, Portland, Bellevue, Tacoma and Seattle can also be purchased by phone at 800-838-3006

We look forward to seeing you at one of our concerts!
Pam and Philip Boulding

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Changes for the Better

My son is presently working on this posting site...which will soon have a different look and appeal...
or so I'm being told.
I am one who doesn't like abrupt changes in life, ...more into a slow evolution of things.

I just typed in the World According to Linda in the google search bar and the new site came up in the search.
It looks a bit white and stark but has many options for a better overall navigation (or so it will be in the future).
And it has the same postings as here but doesn't list the contact info and links yet...this will be remedied hopefully today or tomorrow.
If you find this (new) site and wish to come back to this one...if you click the "Home" word it brings you back here...
I'm confused.... are you?

With this new site there will be an authors page and I'll be able to separate the catagories of  Events, Folklore,
Poetry, Shop Hours and the like....that's the theory anyway.

I really don't understand all this...but do comprehend the "idea" of it. Not my forte!
That's where the son comes in...he is the Internet Expert, and has been working hard at this for some time now.
Also in the works is a much requested On-Line shopping site...(still in the works) which will make it easier for those of you that live outside the be able to get product from my shop, without having to physically travel here...that's the theory anyway.

When he first set-up this site for me years ago...I had the same approach...cautiously I went forward.
At first I had no idea what to blether on about 'on the blog', I felt like I was exposing myself to the a flasher..LOL!
But slowly I came to understand that it was a great avenue to be able to keep the public informed on events and tell stories ...etc. So I expect these new changes will be approach by me in the same fashion.

I hope this is not confusing for you...(like it is for me)..I am assured by the man (my son) that all will be for the best and I'll get the hang of it eventually. Fingers crossed, he will be right.

The sun is shining in Seaside...and all is right with the world.
So onward and upward....


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Update on Shop Hours for the Fall and Winter

I will return to the shop this weekend and have knocked the hours down to
Friday 10am-3pm
Saturday 10am-3pm 
Sunday 10am-2pm

Hope to see you all soon....
