The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to All !!!

As I sit here in my home with my Grandson watching "Scrooge" with Albert Finney,
my mind can't help but turn and think about the season, the people I know, and those I see everyday but don't really know.

This year, more than most, has brought the thought of humanity to my mind. And never more in the past few decades has it been needed.

Neighbors, community, friend or not, ... those that bag your groceries, those that wait the tables at your favorite eatery, empty out trash and recyclables, those that brush up against our lives, ...yet go unnoticed, by us ...unless we "need" their service. We all are the nation, and we decide which way things are really going to go, driven by our own actions each day.

I am in no way a wealthy person, but ...part of the working people of the country.
But, with that being said, ...I am blessed by many things, ...shelter, food, heat and transport are mine for the asking and perhaps taken for granted on a daily basis. But what of those that that pass us each day that no longer can claim that fact, in their own lives?

The local food bank is already being pushed to it's limits with the recent upswing of need. Every day I hear of those that have felt the harsh blow of redundancy at their place of employment. Their dreams slowly slip through their fingers, onto the streets they now pad through for a new position.

A feverish flood of concern overtakes me, because I know ...
if they fall ...we all fall.

Now is the time for us to shift our focus from the personal to the greater need of the community and the nation as a whole. We will all benefit for it in the long run.

I'll give some thanks for what I have by giving a bag of groceries to the local food bank so others can give thanks as well. I'm going to ask the local store to match what I buy dollar for dollar...can't hurt to ask eh? Wish me luck!

As a side note****

I will be open at the shop for Thanksgiving Weekend Friday, Sat. and Sun. from
10am- until 3pm or longer if needed.

The first batch of Claddagh rings are here from the UK and the green cross that a lad was asking for is here as well!

It is my sincere wish for all to have a Great Thanksgiving Celebration

All the Best to You and Those that care for You!

Hope to see you soon,

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Battlefield Band comes to the Northwest

heads up folks:

One of my favorite bands of Scotland is across the pond and playing in our own backyards. Listed is the remaining dates for Nov. in Washington State. Check out the bands web pages for more info about further dates in the area.

11/21 Fri 7:30 PM $25
Port Angeles High School Auditorium
304 East Park Ave. at Peabody
Port Angeles , WA 98362
(360) 452-8299 (festival office)

About the Band:

The iconic Battlefield Band returns for 2008 U.S. tour

Under their banner Forward with Scotland’s Past, Battlefield band have been performing on the international scene for more than three decades, inspired by their rich heritage of Celtic music and fired by the strength of the modern Scottish cultural scene. On their 2008 U.S. tour promoting the release of their new album Dookin’, the band is set to fire up the audience with their powerhouse performance and inimitable humor and charm.

Founded in 1969, Battlefield Band have been bringing their distinctive sound of Scotland’s past and present to audiences around the world. Their music is played regularly on National Public Radio’s Thistle and Shamrock program, and they are frequent guests on Minnesota Public Radio’s A Prairie Home Companion. The band, who pioneered the integration of bagpipes with fiddle, keyboards, guitar and voice, mix the old songs and tunes with new self-penned material, playing them on a unique and tasteful blend of ancient and modern instruments, including bagpipes, synthesizers, fiddles, guitars, cittern, bass, whistles, and bouzouki.

With their new album Dookin’ (as in ‘dookin’ for apples), the band not only show continuity, drawing upon the large pool of traditional Scottish (and Irish) music, but clearly reveal their creativity and virtuosic skills with newly discovered songs and tunes, as well as their original compositions. Their 2008 U.S. tour will feature music from the album.

More info at

All the Best,

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Irish Famine Memorial-Portland-Dec. 13th, 2008

Heads-up Folks!

This may be something that the Irish and Scots of the Northwest could/should attend.

Hope to see you there!

Notice Below as sent to me:

President of Ireland to Dedicate Oregon Irish Potato Famine Memorial

Mary McAleese, the President of Ireland, will visit Portland on Saturday, December 13, 2008, 11:00 a.m., to dedicate the Oregon Irish Potato Famine Memorial at Mt. Calvary Cemetery.

This event is open to the public!

The memorial is a 15’ Celtic High Cross modeled on the ancient Cross of the Scriptures from Clonmacnoise, Co. Offaly, Ireland, which was carved by monks in 916 A.D. The newly re-mastered replica was hand-carved in Donegal Town, Ireland by Brendan McGloin, noted Irish stone sculptor and artist.

The memorial was funded by Portland’s Ancient Order of Hibernians with contributions from members of Portland’s Irish community.

For more information, contact Mr. Peter Cullen



Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Democracy in Action

The relief of the elections being over is being felt by all, ...including myself.

We've all grown tired of the malicious and underhanded attacks/and rebuttal, of one candidate on the other. It's amazing that any citizen could decipher what the stance on issues were, from all the hyper-babble going on. A change is needed there...for sure, in the election process.
But now we can relax and watch our Telly without the constant invasions of these ridiculous adverts in our homes.

Change in the White House...many have been seeking this for some time now. And the voting in of Obama has sent a ripple of hope for America throughout the world. Coupled with the fact that a barrier has been broken here for the first time, by placing a person of colour in the highest position of state. Brilliant! And a good move for everyone, not only here in the US but throughout the world. Again the theme of hope, backs this.
Jubilation spread like a wave as the returns came in and the landslide of choice became obvious to all.
So many ways the American public, has taken the "hit" from decisions made by the former/and still leader in the White House, and the view of America ...worldwide has been tainted by all this. some relief is felt.

But as I went to bed last night, (after a whisky or two) I was left wondering....
were the people so ready for change in this country that change would have come regardless of who it was that was running? I know many that would have preferred a Turnip or Head of Cabbage as a leader compared to who was standing in office now.
Still...Obama is young, ...he's fresh to the post, he will be joined in the congress by many from his own party...a different party than has held office for a long time..and he comes from a background that many Americans can relate to.
The media (BBC) compared this result to that of JFK and the Camelot days of that election so long ago. JFK was the first Catholic to take office in this country...a
landmark occasion, again a barrier broken with his arrival in the White House.
A change...that was needed...a change that all looked forward to.

Democracy is a great thing. And citizens take pride in doing their part in this process. The ability to choose our own leadership and drag them down and out of office if they do not support and uphold those things that the people hold dear.

Now ....let's see what unfolds over the next few months ...years...

I wish the man and his cabinet good luck with all.

Sorry I was unexpectedly closed last came to town to help me sort out my house and move furniture. After 2 days the house is in good order and I'm enjoying my time in it.

All the best,