The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Messy Legacy

Quite the messy legacy,
we leave, our youngest kin.

When worlds' needs,
are tended to,
by such corrupted men.

The Bard at Large

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Well Then !

I am not faultless, so why does
disappointment run so deep?

I never ask much of others,
but,.....there are rules I keep.

When things like these, then intersect;
combined with those I know,

some survive the clash unharmed,
some..... can't let honour show.

Disappointment sets down in me,
in such a nasty way,

I struggle with judgementalness,
and inner space decay.

Oh,...what a life, would sleek my soul,
to such a settled spot,

If everyone,... could just agree,
to think,...the way I thought!!!

The Bard at Large June 2006 - Linda MacDonald-Lewis

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The Bandit Watches Me

He sits there now, staring down on me
This wild thing, that's stuck up in my tree.
While passing through the room, by chance did eye,
a Bandit on my deck's rail,... munching rye.
The bread,... I'd placed there for a local crow,
who, over the years, I had come to know.

I rushed the door, and flinged my arms, at it,
while yelling at him, "Go on now...just get ! ".
I never did intend, to scare him so...
as he ran back and forth, and fro.
Then in his fright he launched himself mid-air
and grabbed a branch, by luck, and tethered there.

Between the gusting wind, and his shear weight,
I held my breath, and prayed for his dear fate.
I cussed myself for being at the cause,
this creature hanging on to life, paws.
Then suddenly, a crazy thought appears...
" He has no thumbs ! ", thickening my fears.

Thank Mother Nature and Woodland Faeries,
that Raccoons know well; how to work with trees.
He scampers now, onto a broader limb,
relieves my riddened guilt....the death of him.

But now;... as he sits there and looks at me
with one eye gone, and ears all tattery,

The truth of guilt; now faced, with what I've done,
sinks to my soul, just like a setting sun.

I've made you run away and lose your food...
the crows have gathered up their heckling brood.

And this...I've done to you, my harmless friend,
based all on, maybe did intend.

I'm sorry now...
did not...
mean to offend.

The Bard at Large May 2006 Linda MacDonald-Lewis

Friday, July 21, 2006

Poetry for the Evening

To bed...
before the dawn's light..
rings that gong.

To bed...
the world's wrong...
cannot be fixed tonight.
With darkness still in sight,
to bed.

Lay down your head,
and let your slumber
melt away...
this awlful day.

To bed...
quiet your mind...
and you may find...

To bed...
before you lose your way.
To bed...
wait for the brightness..
to shine-in the new day.

To bed! To bed! To bed!
For your own sake...
rest now...
from this wake.

To bed...
fade out this day.

To bed...
while the black of night awaits...
to take it all,
in his embrace...
to bed...
to bed.

Linda MacDonald-Lewis
June 2006
The Bard at Large

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sorry I've been away so long

I got bored with the thread about the snuff box, and gave up on it.
To make a long story short .......
I located what we believe may be the original Snuff box at a museum on the Eastcoast of America.
Research is still ongoing, until we can verify this is the right Snuff.

I've been going to the Highland Games and promoting Scotland here in America.
Having a great time ......seeing faces I hadn't seen in awhile and meeting up with old and new friends.

Did you know that there are 25 million Americans that claim Scottish descent, and that's just the ones that know. Everyday that passes more find their connection to Scotland. There are 60 million Americans that claim descendency from Ireland. These are huge figures and the world should wake-up and realize the Celtic Market in America is phenomenal.

I will try to post more often now. Until then:

Lang Mae Yer Lum Reek
( long may your chimney smoke) The Bard at Large