The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom

"The freedom that we take for granted today,
came to us by the sacrifice and endurance of those
that came before. That freedom and the democracy that
grew from it, was over 500 years in the making."

The book, (title above), that I wrote and will be released in June/July of this year,
follows the thread of this dynamic, in the history of democracy.

From William Wallace and Robert the Bruce during the Wars of Independence
in Scotland (13th century) to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and
the Revolutionary War in America. The foe was the same as were the issues;
hinged on the ideals of the 'rights of man', their liberties, the belief that these were given to mankind at birth, and could not be usurped or stripped away from them by either church or state.

The book is easy to understand, and includes folklore and interesting snippets
about Scotland and America, and the personalities pinnacle to the events covered.

I will post more later on this.

All the Best,
The Bard