The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bagpipes on The Royal Mile, Edinburgh

In the wake of the "45" and the defeat at Culloden Moor, the British Government put a ban on the playing of the Bagpipes and the wearing of the Tartan, by those in Scotland. It was called the 'Proscription Act'. These two items were seen as 'Weapons of War' and obviously frightened the rank and file of those that considered themselves as supporters of the crown of England.

Now it seems that the residents of the Royal Mile in Edinburgh have decided to take that same oppressive action, against themselves. Not all residents ...mind...just the ones that have taken the time to call the local authority and issue "Complaints against the Noise".

A ban on playing the Pipes has been enacted in Edinburgh. Unbelievable !!!!!

With the Americans getting ready to celebrate their own Independence by shooting off fireworks, (much louder than the Pipes could ever be), I could not see, that same 'issue' happening here. I mean, what would happen if a few people decided to raise a riot act about firework and ask for a ban? No doubt the population would rise-up in protest and keep the 'insanity of that cause' from ever coming to pass.

I live in Seaside and the fireworks have been going off each night now for a few weeks, as soon as the sun goes down. And will continue for weeks after the 4th of July comes and goes.
But we don't call the police each time we hear a loud boom, we understand that this is part of what living at the beach is all about. People come here for the ability to be able to celebrate the season of Freedom's Cause and blow off a bit of steam for it. We are all better equipped to deal with the rest of the year because of it.

When did the few whiners of the world actually take rank over the wants and wishes of the larger majority? When did the shift happen in society, where the few that have intolerance of tradition, have the ear of the police, more than the masses?

What is Scotland without the shrill of the Pipes? How many of you that have been in Edinburgh, have actually followed the sound to seek out the Piper, and watch the show?
Scotland is in a deep debate about Independence and Freedom from their ties to England.
Next thing you know they'll be outlawing the wearin' of the Kilt again...
because some pinch-face person took offense by seeing a man's tackle hangin' down,
when his kilt was caught in a updraft.

I trust those in control do not fall into the auld trap...of the oppressed, once finding their freedom, ...becoming the new oppressors.

When the sounds of music .. becomes noise, and the human body .. becomes offensive it's time to re-assess ....who we are ...and realize ...this feeling of self-importance that mankind is so strongly holding onto ....has gotten out of hand.

The Bard

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

How to contact me, ...and have me respond

To the rank and file of those of you that check this site:

If you wish to contact me, that's simple enough ...just leave a comment.

If you wish me to contact you, (in response) you must leave your email address in the comment, (within the text).

Otherwise see, .... there's no way for me to do it.

All the best,
Linda (The Bard)

Monday, June 02, 2008

Here's something about William Wallace

For a very long time, many parts of William Wallace's life have been debated.
What year he was born, where he was born, a commoner or lower gentry, etc...
One thing caught up in debate was: whether Wallace had left the country (Scotland) for France to seek aid from the Pope in Avignon, after the defeat at Falkirk.

There was never any documented proof of this, and the information had come down through folklore and rumour. He had 'disappeared' for a period of time, and no trace was known of his whereabouts.

Then awhile back an item did come to the surface that gives undoubted proof that he was in fact in France. Unfortunately this item, (a letter of safe conduct given by the King of France, and on William Wallace's person when he was captured at Robroyston on 3rd August 1305) sits in a drawer in England.

There is a campaign to return this item to Scotland, and your help is needed.
So, click on this, sign the petition and speak your sense in the comment section. Cast your vote for Freedom !

The Bard