The clock is ticking and I'll be off and away to Seattle soon for the speaking tour about my book and Scotland.
I'm very much looking forward to this week of events and will be looking for familiar faces in the crowds.
On Sept. 19th at 6pm I will be at the Sorrento Hotel on Madison. Check out their website (quite nice) This is the only ticketed event.
Brown paper tickets are available for $30.00 which includes a signed copy of the book and a Whisky Tasting as a Fireside Chat Event.
If you plan on buying at ticket at the door, ---- please call
Book it Northwest at (425) 820-6829 to reserve your ticket.
(This way we can make sure to have enough whisky on hand as well, don't want to run short, LOL!!).
The interview with Mike Kara "Eye on the Nation" covering 'How to plan your Trip to Scotland' went very well.
And can be heard on the Internet if you wish to take a listen ... just Google the program name, scroll down to where the segments are listed and click away.
I'll be back in the shop Thurs. thru Mon. 10am - 2pm...
this week.
Hope you all have a safe and wonderful holiday weekend.
All the Best,