The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Exclusive Stock in the Shop

Many of you may have seen the dark green Jersey in the shop
that says "Ireland" across the front.

I now have Scotland Jersey in that style. Done on a dark
(St.Andrews Flag) blue, white striping down the side, and sleeve ends,
and the word "Scotland" in cut-out white letters across the front.
These are being sold at the low price of $35.00 US,
(normally priced at closer to 89.00 and up). An excellent value to show the pride
you carry for your homeland or your favorite team from Scotland.

My Best to All attending the Highland Games. If you have Clan Association ...
make sure to stop by your Clan's tent and say hello to those that dedicate their
time and effort to keeping you in touch with your heritage.

Alba Gu Brath!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Wallace Muse

Scotland 2005 saw many Memorial activities to honour William Wallace and his sacrifice
for his country.

The first funeral for Wallace was held at St. Bartholomew's Cathedral, (the Old Kirk), in London. This ancient infirmary and Kirk, sits in close proximity to "Smithfield" where Wallace was executed (in what some would call an act of murder), by the English on August 23rd 1305.

I wrote a Eulogy for this event and it was included in a book published in Edinburgh that year.

I was honoured (beyond belief), by having my poem included in the ranks of the late great writers in history. Sir Walter Scott, Robert Burns, Wordsworth, Blind Harry, and Hamilton to name a few, and the best poets of Scotland today; including, but not limited to Edwin Morgan the present Poet Laureate of Scotland.

I was also honoured by having the priveledge, ... to recite this poem, (I had written, speaking about the sacrifice Wallace had made), at the Scottish Parliament Bldg. for the assembly there on 6th Sept. of that year.

Included in the covers of this text are the poems and artworks of history that were inspired by the life and legend of Sir William Wallace ...Scotland's premiere patriot, and freedom fighter.
To find this text, ...check the "Books I Recommend" link in the sidebar of this blogsite.

Good Evening and All the Best to you,

Thursday, July 10, 2008

The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom

I'm sad to say that the release of my book, (titled above), has once again been delayed.
The production staff in Edinburgh is having some difficulty in getting the final lay-out from the man that handles that phase of the production.
Once I receive this and approve it, the book will go to the printer.
I have the utmost confidence in my publishing house and know that the crew there are doing all they can to hurry this process along.
Thanks for your patience in this.
On a more upbeat note, ...
I'm presently working on a short story about Beltane Night, inspired by the poem featured here on a prior blog.

And, ...
Summer is in full swing and once again I'm meeting up with fine folk that I haven't seen in a few years. Brilliant!

Hope to see you in the shop soon.

All the Best,