The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer's Almost Here

The temperature are rising and the town is starting to fill up on a more regular basis.

The new stock I've been bringing in from the Homelands, has been selling so fast, it's a bit of a shocker. I'm very happy with the response. The new items have never been sold on the West Coast of America before, I'm happy to say. One of the vendors...I've been trying to contact for 5 years, ...and now finally have their stock as well.

I have been meeting some very grand people, and still connecting with those that hadn't realized the shop had re-opened.

I love this time of year!!!
My veg garden is looking strong, and (unlike last year) I do believe I'll have a good amount of product this season, to help keep me healthy and happy. And I won't have to fight the crowds at Safeway for my food.

There has been increasing requests for me to continue the Lindella story that I started to post in April called "Beltane Night". So when the dust settles in my life, ...I will begin to pen the next chapter, and after editing (this time) I will begin to post segments again...(Mind this may take awhile to get going.)

I have been told by my publisher in Edinburgh that the book "Warriors and Wordsmiths" has finished the printing phase and will be shipped out shortly...arrival at my doorstep could take awhile depending on the 'way of transport' selected. I will keep you posted.

Off to ready myself for the shop.


PS. We have a new expanded Shop Hours schedule (but I can't remember it completely),
I will post it soon. Generally...we will be CLOSED on Weds., but opened from 10am til around 5pm All other days, (Except Sundays when I will open at 10am and duck out at around 2pm if it's not busy). Cheerio! Hope to see ya soon in sunny Seaside!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom: the Birth and Growth of Democracy

I was emailed by my publisher (in Edinburgh) on Thursday of this week and told that my book has finally gone to the printer in Glasgow. It's scheduled to ship out with about 3-4 weeks after.

The "official" release for the North Americas is on the 4th of July.
If you are interested in purchasing a book without travelling to Seaside:

Send a check or money-order for the book $9.95 plus $3.00 shipping total $12.95 to:
(sorry no plastic cards please, Visa, debit, etc. I don't do that anymore)

Linda MacDonald-Lewis
PO Box 1011
Seaside, Oregon 97138 USA

Include the address you wish to have the book shipped to.
And it will be shipped as soon as available.

Or come by the shop and we'll have a chat and I'll sign the book.
The plan ...( all things considered eh?) I will be leaving for my sojourn to Scotland
on the 19th of July and will be gone for 3 weeks. My son is to run the shop whilst I am absent. Please come in and meet him...he's a delightful guy and is very familiar with the shop and stock, and very happy to be back in Seaside. His plan is to open a shop here within the next year, of his own. Hopefully with his help I'll be able to expand my hours here soon.

Th gig in Sutherlin went well and it was great to meet up with the clanspeople I'd not seen since last August. I had a absolutely wonderful visit with the family as well.

The sun is out for the weekend and I hear... there's a huge Bike-Run to the Beach today. So if you are looking for a weekend of frolicking in the sunshine head West
to Seaside.
Hope to see you soon.


Friday, May 08, 2009

Event notice

I will be closed Fri., Sat., and Sunday.
I will be at the Whitehorse Coffee in Sutherlin, Oregon
on Saturday, for the Douglas County Scots Society: Mother's Day High Tea.

And spend the rest promoting the upcoming book and talking with family.

See you next week.


Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Irish Connections

I've often said "The only difference between the Scots and the Irish is...
The Scots knew how to swim."

For those of you of the Irish persuasion there are two active associations in the Northwest (and set up at the Highlands Games and Gathering circuit).

The Clan Cian Society

and The Celtic Irish Families Society of north America.

The Scottish Highland Games are about to start their season, most Clan Associations
attend and have a tent set up for interested persons to stop by and have a chat.

I have been asked a few times this year for clan badges, dirks..etc.. and I usually refer people to their own clan to make the purchases (that are clan specific).

So look for a Game in your area (or stop by the shop and check the events listing),
to find a great day out as a single, a couple or a family.

Bagpipers and drummers, highland dancers, and the large lads that take joy in picking up and tossing 'round heavy, bulky and large objects for a bit of a laugh!
All this and more... help you to step into a different world if just for awhile.

New stock coming in on a regular cycle, into the shop. The theme this year is to bring in ranges from the homelands that many have not seen before.

Hope to see you soon...

(I'll be gone part of this upcoming weekend for an event in Sutherlin for the
Douglas County Scot Society Mother's day High Tea)
