The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cyberspace and Creative Writing

Technology has been a great boon in reference
to 'Connecting the World' in a way that had not been
seen before. The speedy delivery of messages and information
has had a broad effect on the world, ...that part of the world
that is wired up to the advanced spark of electricity anyway.

I use it myself for writing of texts and documents, which up until
2 years ago I accomplished in the physical world of pad and pen or
manual typewriter.

With each passing day we rely on this source of media more and more.
We boast about the ability to store vast amounts of data in small
spaces and transfer great novels, medical and philosophy essays, and the
like into this new format.

And at the same time we spout off about the depletion of the natural resources
that are needed to support this very system we've grown to rely on.

While all the great and valuable documents of the world are being loaded into
the tools of the techno-industry, for safe keeping, all it would take to lose
it all, would be for someone to pull the plug.

So if you have anything of real importance, it should be backed up in a physical form
and place in a box or file and stored.
Which, ... when put into perspective, ...cuts the value of this techno-advancement
down to communication and research. Unless we find someway to keep the source of energy needed to keep the techno-world going

Although bulky, and sometimes messy, ....
Books and paper can be a wonderful things when you think about it.

The Bard

Friday, November 09, 2007

What people Don't Know about Scotland

These are some of the things I have heard in my shop
over the years about Scotland and about Scots, from the mouth of the
general public.

"We travelled to Glasgow, Edinburgh, the Isle of Skye, ... that's the part of England we saw."

"Scotland, ....that's down by India, ...isn't it?"

While listening to me crac on with a lady from Troon a young child said:

"Mommie is she a pirate?"

I said "no darlin I'm a Scot, ...I only turn into a pirate when you feed me Rum.
Then, I squint one eye, walk sideways, dragging one leg, and my vocabulary reduces
down to two letters, ...Aye and RRRRRRRR"

6 years ago it was, "I think that is Shrek's Mommy"

"I'm a direct descendant of William Wallace!"

Well, ...that can't be done, William Wallace die with no children. It's biologically
impossible to be a direct descendant of his. Maybe from his brother, or some other family named Wallace, but not William himself.
Sorry to disappoint, but we tend to name our children after our heroes. Even Abe Lincoln had a son named William Wallace, that died while he was in residence at the White House.

"Are you a Scot?" asked of me.
My reply "Yes, I am."
"Do you live here" indicating Seaside, Oregon.
"Yes, I do,... because you see ... the commute would kill me"

This is just a sample of some of the things that I have found to be, ....
silly, ridiculous or down right daft. But all a bit humorous.

Scotland, any other ancient culture, many things to many people.

It's mythological to those that study her.

It's historical to those that write about her.

It's romantic to those that yearn for her.

And mostly unseen by those
that presently live amongst her shores.

All the best of life to you and yours.
Off to the shop...
The Bard

Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Hearty Thanks to All

Well, life has finally slowed down enough to
be able to make a new entry here.

First and foremost, I 'd like to thank all the great people
that came by the shop, showed for my performances, and attended
the seminar given in Anchorage, Alaska, it was a brilliant season

A very dear friend of mine came from Edinburgh to visit the U.S. of A.
for the first time. Unfortunately, her baggage was lost and never
retrieved. But, I believe we had a good time anyway, and the amount
of single malt we consumed, could be a testimonial to that.

My book "The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom" is scheduled for release
4th of July, 2008 here in the USA. And is in the editing process just now.

If anyone would like to be included on the mailing list for Press Release
about the book and where to find it, drop your email address in a comment
to me and I'll add it to the list. Cheers!

Over the next few months I'll be posting some info about the book and
quoting some of the text, watch this space.

The shop hours will remain the same throughout Nov. and if there's a Monday
Holiday I'll be in the shop as well. I'll be open for the Thanksgiving Wknd,
for those of you thinking about Celtic gifts for your loved ones.

I just rec'vd my shipment of Tiles or 'Potstands' that have been printed with
my poem about 'The Thistle' and these will be available this weekend for purchase.

That's me now....
All the Best of Life to you,
The Bard