The World According to Linda

Linda MacDonald-Lewis (A.K.A. The Bard at Large) - A true Scot at heart

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Stormy Weather

I wish all of You a Very Happy Christmas!

Do to the weather I've not been able to work these past few days or has it been weeks now?

This is the first time in 3 years that I've gone through a Winter Storm and NOT lost power at my house. It was quite a relief to be able to ENJOY the storm instead of just

Things are starting to thaw out here but it is still COLD !!!!!

I'm staying in one more day then.....hopefully....I can go into town....and open the doors some time on Monday. Family is to be coming into to town....but with the Hwy 26 pass being what it is....I just have to wait and the rest of the NW world is in the process of doing.

Yesterday two of my mates Garrett and Gena, ventured out 'in it' and picked me up some vittles that I was running low on.
Gena came in but Garrett stayed out and shoveled my pavement and driveway and even got the snow off my car...all of these areas were well covered again within moments.
But with the partial thaw over night...those few areas that he put effort into are the only ones clear now...Ta for that Garrett and Gena. They got a large portion of "White Russian" drinks in return.

I hope everyone I know are safe and warm and well fed....both body and soul.

All the best,

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I will be closed until the weather situation breaks.

yesterday I couldn't get my car doors opened until 11 am to start the car for the first time since Thursday. Finally got the 4 1/2 inches of snow and ice scraped away and warmed the poor thing up. The roads here in Seaside are pretty bad...and I live on a hill. The main road ...Hwy 101(from what I've heard)isn't bad ...but getting to it through the side roads is the problem.

Luckily I have had plenty of food and such in the house...but today is the DAY!
I have to get to the store and buy essentials. Again fortunately I have a friend that just moved in from Bend that has studded tires that I can call upon for help.

No-one really knows !when! this will be over...but as soon as it is I will be back in the shop!

In the meantime, I will try to enjoy this forced vacation, which I really needed anyway. So I will continue to Cuddle the cats, Christmas flicks....and bake bread....roast turkey...or whatever else I can come up with to keep the house warm and filled with the smells... that make this all feel like a holiday...instead of a
weather disaster.

So mellow out...take it slow...and enjoy this "down time" if you can.

Me ....I have a good supply of whisky and will be using it to warm me from the inside, the sun sets each night and the bitter cold takes reign.

The Winter Lord may have us under siege but we can out wait him, and have a bit of fun with it, if we try.


Thursday, December 04, 2008

Book Release Event in Edinburgh Tonight

At the National Galleries in Edinburgh at 6pm (Scotland's time) in the Hawthornden Lecture Theatre the book "The Arts of Resistance" is being launched.

This is the book that I worked on with Alan Riach, Dept. Head of the Scottish Literature Dept. Univ. of Glasgow and Alexander (Sandy) Moffat (retired) Instructor of The Glasgow School of Art.
The book is 3 in depth conversations (between Alan, Sandy, and myself) about the poetry, portrait, and landscape artists of Scotland (and beyond) from around 1890 to the Present day.

Since I am not able to attend this event ...the following statement I wrote will be read there tonight:

The Arts of Resistance

Book Release Event
The National Galleries Edinburgh Dec. 4th 2008

It is my deep regret that I am not able to be present for this event.

Working with Alan and Sandy on this book project was a phenomenal experience in my life.

I thank-you both and wish you the best of luck.

I have been working for quite some time now, to promote Scotland's literature,

history and folklore in North America. This book is another great opportunity to further that quest.

I have often found, that it's the most subtle things in life, that can bring the greatest inspiration.

And it can swing wildly from, being gently awestruck by a landscape in a perfect light,

to being completely dumbstruck by the dark potential of mankind's cruelty,

or in this case.... sitting quietly in the audience, a lecture about a Scottish Poet!

Inspiration tends to 'bind' the artist to a concept, and motivates them to create.

The process of creation in the Arts, is quite 'cathartic' in nature.

Because of that part of it's nature,

there seems to be a certain sense of relief and freedom that comes from the final stroke;
of the brushed pigment on to canvas,
of the hammer to chisel on stone,
or the fingertip on the keyboard for the page.

It's at that final moment, where the 'inspired concept', ... then jumps completely from the 'artist' to the 'art form'.
And, in turn, the finished art form, ... whether it be a sculpture, a painting, or a book; can then go forward, on it's own, to leave an impression on those that view it.

It is my sincere hope, the content of these conversations, contained between the covers of this book will leave you a bit ... awestruck, ....perhaps at times .... dumbstruck.... and finally; ...

fully inspired to continue this dialogue, about the Arts, for many years to come.

See you in 2009 for Homecoming!

Linda MacDonald-Lewis

18th Nov. 2008

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Shop Update

Hello All:

I will be opened at the shop this weekend between 10am- 3pm,
as usually. Dec. 5th, 6th, and 7th.

The following weekend I will be busy on the 13th Dec. (Saturday)

I have two events to attend in Portland for the President of Ireland visit, one at 11am and the other at 3pm. I will try to be open sometime that weekend on Friday or Saturday. But depending on weather and other issues(at this time unforeseen, but always lurking there to spring forward once I lay down firm plans), I don't really
know how it will all turn out.
So if you're in town drop by and see if I'm around.

I just received items from the the homelands, most with lower prices, because of the
falling price of the pound. Loads of gift items lower than $25.00 each, many $18.00.

Well, I just finished proof reading my book The Warriors and Wordsmiths of Freedom.
I rec'vd the finished typeset copy on Thanksgiving....they don't do that holiday in Scotland. But started the actual work on Monday....after the family had cleared the house. One more step in the process...and soon..... it will go to the printer.

Time for the pub and a celebratory drink, for finishing yet but another phase of the creation of this book.
